Aughad Guru

Aughad Guru

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Avadhoot baba Mangaldhanram

Baba teaches us to safe guard our good character to be a good human being. Baba teaches us to show the responsibility in behavior to our home, family, nation and the society. Baba teaches women to maintain the physical and mental pureness and to be the example to the children in their behavior. Baba encourages the every children to do the creative work. Baba teaches us to notice and remove the simple simple mistakes so that we wouldnot do the big mistakes. Baba teaches us that the human life which is the most valuable life in the earth should be utilized properley for the benefit of all the creatures. Baba teaches us to behave ourselves by giving importance to the pureness of the blood and the tradition of the family. Baba teaches us to behave ourselves as a simjple human being. Baba teaches us we should make a peaceful home first then only could do some good work to the nation and society.

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